This tower holds just about 81 lipsticks and spins with ease. I don’t have it all the way filled up because I wanted you guys to see what it looked like with & without product.
The top piece (above) has 9 slots available for your favorites or most worn. (Or in my case – The prettiest lol)
I haven’t found a lipstick that doesn’t fit in here – It holds the bulkiest of packaging (MAC Mineralized Lipsticks) and even the boxes!
I love how they added a little extra “bling” to the sides to spruce it up a bit!
This tower comes in a variety of colors including Classy White (Shown), Black, Rose, Silver Dream & Goldie Luxe.
Overall, I think it’s VERY well made and sturdy and spins effortlessly.
Is this something you would consider purchasing for your lipstick collection? What are your thoughts on the spinning lipstick tower from Zahra Beauty?
Availability : Zahra Beauty Store
Price : $99
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*Provided for an honest review. All opinions are my own*
FABULOUS!! I need one
Total must have for a lip junkie!
OMG! I’m totally going to buy one of these when we buy a house and I get my BeautyJudy room!!! Or maybe more than one because I have four full drawers of lippies. Don’t judge me LOL!! But seriously, thank you for showing this, it holds a lot!
YAY! You’re welcome! Believe me.. I need about 80 of these to hold all my lippies. But it looks SO pretty with my MAC & Lime Crime ones! xo
That is such a neat way to organize lipsticks!
Right? It’s so awesome!
I clearly need one of these! Awesome!
Yes you do!!! π
Cool! I don’t see any Mary Kay lipsticks in there! We need to remedy that! π (Contact me!) π
I could really use that to display all the MK lipsticks and lip glosses! Very cool!
I need this!
This is a neat idea but the $99 price tag makes me hesitant.
That is freaking awesome. I so need one of those. Gotta love anything that will make it easier to find everything.
Great way to keep organized.
WANT WANT WANT!!! Right now I have my lipsticks in two drawers, and I’m using cookie trays to keep them slanted. This is so much more chic lol
If I had my own makeup room already I would totally want this right now
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lipstick holder that could hold more than 10!!
Wow, now that’s a great lippie tower! I need one of these things.
Awesome!!! I need one of these in my life!
I need… like six lol
I totally need one. Or 10. Don’t judge me *hides*
This is great!!
Was so excited about this.. until I saw the price! I’m sure it’s probably worth it, and is well made, though, which makes all the difference.
ummm….ohmy god, NEED!!!
Such a cute concept!
Dang, 81 lipsticks? It really holds a ton!
Oooo so pretty! I would love one of those.
Yeah, that’s pretty cool!
Wow this is great organizer for someone who has tons of lipsticks π I should get one of these! I have so hard time finding anything π lol Great post! xo’s
Pink Frenzy
That’s gorgeous! This would look awesome on my vanity when I film because lipsticks all look the same in the tube!
So cute! I love that you can see every tube neatly and organized, but it doesn’t take up too much room!
How awesome! I totally need an organization product like this.
Coveting these! They look amazing.
I have been seeing this all over instagram and I need one badly.
why do i not have one of these?!!?!?!!!
I definitely need one!!
Amazing!!! This is what I need. Gotta have one for my lippies. Time to organize them one by one.
Totally need this!
it’s gorgeous. Will be on my to buy list as soon as I get a second job.