This scent is completely out of this world! I wish I could install a scratch & sniff widget on my blog, just so you guys could experience the awesomeness! I’ve personally never had a Pat O’Brien Hurricane drink, but let me tell you – If it tastes ANYTHING like this smells, I may have to order up 1 or 2 next time I go out!
Jill describes this scent as a mix between passion fruit, orange, lemon, grapefruit, pineapple & cherry. Very fruity and light!
I’m a huge fan of the Glisten & Glow cuticle balms and they are primarily what I use when I am having a swatch-a-thon. They are very moisturizing and not at all greasy or oily on the skin. I also love that the ingredient list is right on the front of the tin as well – VERY helpful!
The March A Box, Indied will have VERY limited quantities available and I believe goes on sale next week. This box can only be purchased through Llarowe and contains several indie polish brands that create polishes exclusively for that box. It’s a really awesome concept and I love that Glisten & Glow will now be included in the line up!
Each box contains 5 items and retails for $50. The March box’s theme is Mardi Gras, which makes this scent absolutely perfect!
You can check out all of the details on A Box, Indied HERE
Have you tried Glisten & Glow products before? What are your thoughts?
Availability : A Box, Indied | Glisten & Glow
Price : $50 for the box | $9.50 for the balm alone
Facebook : Llarowe | Glisten & Glow
*Provided for an honest review. All opinions are my own*
I’ve never tried G&G’s cuticle balm, but I do like her roll on oils! Adding it to my list of things to try.
i wanna try this so bad!
This sounds great! I should definitely grab one when I need my next cuticle balm! I wish this particular balm was available outside of the box.
I’m obsessed with this scent….G&G is my FAV!
I really need to get some of their cuticle balm to try, all the reviews I’ve seen have been positive!
I’ve only tried their HK Girl top coat, which is fabulous.