JustFab Signature Skinny in Pink Polka Dot – I absolutely LOVE JF denim. They fit me like a glove and are so well made and comfortable! They have so many different styles you can choose from. Highly recommend checking them out! BUY HERE
JustFab Impresario Shoulder Bag – This bag is so stinking cute! It is made of faux leather and has gold stud detailing. BUY HERE
My blue top is from Target, Steve Madden gladiator sandals from DSW and my sunglasses are from Tiffany & Co.
Would you rock pink polka dot pants for Spring? What would you pair them with?
Not a JustFab member yet? Sign up HERE and get your first item for 50% off! (That’s right! Just $19.95 for your first item!!) JustFab is more than just shoes! They have handbags, denim, jewelry, sunglasses & more! It’s $39.95 a month and you can skip or cancel at any time! (Make sure you skip the month by the 5th or else you will be charged) If you have any other questions about JustFab, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them for you!
Hope you enjoyed this fashion post! xo
*Bag & jeans provided for an honest review. All opinions are my own*
You look great!
Super cute! I love the polka dots, and pairing them with that shirt is great!
Adorable outfit!