Is it possible to be so in love with a product, you never want to let it go? Well, that’s exactly what is happening with my Clarisonic Mia 2! I have been using this skin care device for about a month now and I am incredibly pleased with the results. I’ve always heard my mom speak very highly about her clarisonic, so when I was offered to review one I jumped on it like a rabid animal! Let’s take a peek at what mine looks like!
I have noticed a HUGE difference in my skin since I have been using the Mia2. I am using this both in the morning and at night and I will absolutely never go back to a washcloth or anything else again!
I love love love mine, I started using it a couple years ago, it was given to me by some friends that are in the beauty business, no name dropping here, It gives you the cleanest face possible so that your skin actually glows. Buy it and use it, you won’t be sorry.